Goodbye Veggies

A journey through a diet change

The Second Step

In the last 8 years that I have been a vegetarian, I’ve noticed that the world has erupted into an absolute bacon craze. People are fanatic about bacon. I remember bacon being quite tasty before I was a vegetarian, but I have been under the guise that it must have gotten better in the past decade. Why else would people be wearing bacon pants and eating bacon icecream and other such strange wonders?

Today there was some bacon cooked up with our dinner. So, I decided to try a piece.  Sure, it was tasty. But it was not the fireworks explosion of mouth joy that everyone seems to play it up as. Once again I did not feel ill afterwards though, so that is a big plus!

At the very least I feel a little accomplished that I have now eaten two different types of meat without any issue. I may not quite understand the bacon craze in it’s entirety, but I suppose I can at least participate in eating it now.

Vegetarian starting to eat meat again

Bacon baby formula… really?


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